Valentine’s day, what is it about? It is about love of course. The celebration of love with a big L! But it is also the celebration of friends as friendship is love too. And in these days, any kind of love is welcome!
In the United States, « Valentines » can send love cards to several recipients. While in France people usually concentrate on the chosen one. They offer her/him a little present. A jewel, perfume, chocolates for the sweetness or a red rose, symbol of passion. That they will offer during a romantic candlelit dinner. Telling each other sweet nothings and cuddling.
But when did lovers start to coo on the 14th of February? Actually, nobody knows exactly. Its origin is definitely pagan and has to do with fecundity. Or more exactly with the renewal of nature that appears around mid-February. Also, all lovers around the world do not celebrate love on that day. Many countries glorify love according to their own history, culture and hemisphere (indeed, because of the renewal of nature!).
And did you know that for a long period of time Valentine’s day celebrated single men and women? On that day, singles were playing a giant hide-and-seek game around villages. The boys had to find the girls. And then marry them during the year! Useless to say that some games were fixed in advance following small agreements between lovers ;-)
At VidaLingua, we love Love. And thanks to apps such as French English Dictionary + for
iPhone &
Android, and
PhraseMates, hide-and-seek games can extend to the whole world! People can meet and enrich themselves with others’ language.
Because love has no limits, we are very happy to give it wings!
Here is a bonus list of essential love phrases and expressions. Use them to woo somebody special or rekindle the love with your better half!
Valentine's Day | la Saint-Valentin |
lovers | les amoureux |
love | l'amour |
jewel | un bijou |
perfume | du parfum |
chocolates | des chocolats |
to coo | roucouler |
a kiss | un baiser |
to smooch | se bécoter |
a caress | une caresse |
endearment | la tendresse |
single | célibataire |
to flirt | flirter |
to hit on | draguer |
to smooth-talk | baratiner |
to tickle | faire des papouilles |
to cuddle | se faire des câlins |
to get engaged | se fiancer |
engagement | les fiançailles |
to propose | demander en mariage |
to marry | épouser |
wedding ring | une alliance |
honeymoon | la lune de miel |
the chosen one | l'élu(e) de son cœur |
to make a present | faire un cadeau |
to give flowers | offrir des fleurs |
a candlelit dinner | un dîner aux chandelles |
to succumb to somebody's charm | être sous le charme |
to make puppy dog eyes | faire les yeux doux |
to whisper sweet nothings | dire des mots doux |
words of love | des mots d'amour |
a smooth-talker | un beau parleur |
to fall in love | tomber amoureux/euse |
to be deeply in love | être éperdument amoureux/euse |
love at first sight | un coup de foudre |
to date somebody | sortir avec quelqu’un |
a love story | une histoire d'amour |
to French kiss | rouler un patin |
to make love | faire l'amour |
an engagement ring | une bague de fiançailles |
to marry somebody | se marrier avec quelqu'un |
wedding night | la nuit de noces |
endless love | un amour éternel |
to live on love alone | vivre d'amour et d'eau fraîche |
to find true love | trouver le grand amour |
a proof of love | une preuve d'amour |
out of sight, out of mind | loin des yeux, loin du cœur |
lucky at cards, unlucky in love | heueux au jeu, malheureux en amour |
true minds | des âmes sœurs |
to find your soulmate | trouver l'âme sœur |
to have a crush on somebody | en pincer pour quelqu'un |
to be crazy about somebody | être raide dingue de quelqu'un |
to hold hands | se tenir la main |
to flirter | conter fleurette |
to make love | faire crac-crac |
to look each other straight in the eye | se regarder dans les yeux |
to make a declaration of love | faire une déclaration d'amour |
to keep a promise | tenir une promesse |
to whisper in the ears | murmurer à l'oreille |
to be starry-eyed | avoir des étoiles plein les yeux |
to devour somebody | dévorer quelqu'un des yeux |
a love nest | un nid d'amour |
to be brokenhearted | avoir le cœur brisé |
to be jealous | être jaloux/ouse |
to be very much in love | filer le parfait amour |
Love gives you wings. | L'amour donne des ailes. |
I love you with all my heart. | Je t’aime de tout mon cœur. |
You are the love of my life. | Tu es l’amour de ma vie. |
I love you forever. | Je t'aime pour toujours. |
You are the sunshine of my life. | Tu es le soleil de ma vie. |
I want to live with you. | Je veux vivre avec toi. |
I want to spend my life with you. | Je veux passer ma vie avec toi |
Do you want to marry me? | Veux-tu m’épouser ? |
I miss you. | Tu me manques. |
Love is an open door. | L’amour est un cadeau. |
I feel something for you. | J'ai des sentiments pour toi. |
You make my head spin. | Tu me fais tourner la tête. |
I want you. | J'ai envie de toi. |
I am yours. | Je suis à toi. |
I belong to you. | Je t'appartiens. |
When will I see you again? | Quand te reverrai-je ? |
Love is stronger than anything. | L'amour est plus fort que tout. |
We are meant for each other. | Nous sommes faits l'un pour l'autre. |
Love is blind. | L'amour est aveugle. |
You mean so much to me. | Tu représentes tellement pour moi. |
You are a part of me.T | Tu fais partie de moi. |
I love you to death. | Je t'aime à mourir. |
I have totally fallen for you. | Je suis dingue de toi. |
I am addicted to you. | Je suis accro à toi. |
I think of you all the time. | Je pense à toi tout le temps. |
I have a crush on you. | J'ai le béguin pour toi. |
You are the one. | Tu es celui/celle que j'attendais. |
You make me burn with desire. | Je brûle de désir pour toi. |
I cannot live without you. | Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi. |
I am crazy about you. | Je suis fou/folle de toi. |
I cannot bear to be apart from you. | Je ne supporte pas d'être séparé(e) de toi. |
I cannot bear to be far from you. | Je ne supporte pas d'être loin de toi. |
You are my everything. | Tu es tout pour moi. |
I have you under my skin. | Je t'ai dans la peau. |
My heart pounds wildly. | Mon cœur bat la chamade. |
You broke my heart. | Tu m'as brisé le cœur. |
Good luck with your romantic adventures on Valentine's Day and throughout the year!
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Christine Ducos-Restagno
Lead French Linguist